
A new chapter of Legacy Wolves is out! Go check it out!


C4C complete, I probably won't be back to read more of Legacy Wolves as it is updated. I'm really busy with school and working on my own stuff, but I do wish you and your characters the best of luck! XOXO unforgetten


@unforgettenWRITES Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story, (that of which you have read). I'll get on and complete your C4C this weekend :)


Just read your bio, I FEEL YOU!!!! I've been on here since September and so far one of my books has achieved 500 reads and 100 votes. I feel so freaking lonely, and I keep thinking, oh maybe my next one will blow up...but it never did...


@unforgettenWRITES No for real tho! I miss the forums, they were great for advertising books and getting reads. Wattpad has changed soooo much. It used to be so community orientated and supporting of new writers and now its all about the big writers and rarely does someone make it up there these days.