
          	It's pretty funny you opened this because ....... over the next 4 days you will:
          	- Have someone fall in love with you
          	- Find $20 on the ground
          	- Go out with the person you like
          	- Your best friend will get you a very nice gift
          	BUT first you have to fwd this!
          	*Send it to 10 ppl in the next 143 minutes
          	If you break the chain you will have trouble with:
          	-your job/school????
          	-your family for 5 years!!!
          	No Group chats!
          	No send backs!
          	Srry a friend sent it to me and I'm not taking any chances TAG: YOU'RE IT !!


          It's pretty funny you opened this because ....... over the next 4 days you will:
          - Have someone fall in love with you
          - Find $20 on the ground
          - Go out with the person you like
          - Your best friend will get you a very nice gift
          BUT first you have to fwd this!
          *Send it to 10 ppl in the next 143 minutes
          If you break the chain you will have trouble with:
          -your job/school????
          -your family for 5 years!!!
          No Group chats!
          No send backs!
          Srry a friend sent it to me and I'm not taking any chances TAG: YOU'RE IT !!