
Hey thanks for your votes. I am going to read the rest of your story tonight. By the way I have just overtaken you. I am nummer two in "crimesolving" but you still lead in "crimedrama" - number seven and I number nine.


Hey thanks for your votes. I am going to read the rest of your story tonight. By the way I have just overtaken you. I am nummer two in "crimesolving" but you still lead in "crimedrama" - number seven and I number nine.


Hey! so good to see us both in the first top 1 and 2 in the crimesolving section on wattpad!
          I loved your book. Dont mind checking mine?


@ raulloll  Thanks for your concern. You are higher ranked as me. Today I started reading your book. The other days I did not have the time as I was writing the rest of my book. Tomorrow I shall be inspecting my book for minor errors. But the intire book is finished.


I came from the rankings! your book is #2!


@ raulloll  thanks! I don't even know where in the world you are coming from. But your words inspire me to go on and that is the most important thing. I want to win the first price the catagori "crimi" but unfortunately there are a lot of subjects to choose from. But thanks a lot. You are one of my first contacts on this site.


Undskyld jeg sådan prsser mig på. Jeg har læst det du har lagt op. Du har ingen grund til at have skriveblokader da du både skriver langt og spændende. MEN hvis du bare fik teksten set efter for detaljer så tror jeg at du ville få mange flere læsere. Jeg skulle ihverttilfælde ikke føle mig tvunget til at læse teksten. SPÆNDENDE.
          Jeg skrever da du er den eneste der kan se teksten.