
          	First of all, hoping all is well at your end
          	Thank you so much for your messages through the last 2 months…. The last few weeks have  been pretty much a roller coaster wrt to health, family & work… & things have stabilised & I am so glad to find my footing again.
          	I am sorry for disappearing… but I m back… though the RaghVi world is farfetched right now… but I guess the RaghVi magic will work again… Request a few more days to allow me to get into the groove….catch up on my own story & get back the flow
          	Ps: sorry for now being able to revert on your messages, individually…. Will do it soon
          	Lots of love & hugs…. Really hoping to see you guys soon


@AakankshaNagaraj hope you are fine and doing well now.  Requesting you to update your Raghvi story, or at least post some update about your plan of continuing the story


Hey dear waiting for your next update soo eagerly.... Please do update soon.... I am so in love with your writing that I kept on re-reading your story again and again... All the best and take care dear....


Hi, happy that you back I am loving your story please continue