
Awards are a great way to gain feedback and exposure on our stories. Do checkout the EC FICTION AWARDS 2024 – the submissions close tomorrow! :>>


Heyy ,I have changed the title of my book which you agreed to review.the new title is 
          Ake e rashta  : a tale of love ,self growth and redemption  . 


@hikariwrites019 You can expect it in 2-3 days :) 


@AakritiPathak please update ,I am in a hurry as my book has been sent for wattys 2024 ,I need support . Please help


@AakritiPathak heyy still didn't got my review 


Ah! Here comes exact mid-twenty lol! Happy birthday to me ❤✨
          [Dedicating this year to writing!]


Hello, hi! Namaste ❤
          Rarest are the instances when I hop on here and share a glimpse of myself outside of Wattpad. I've been keeping my works on an on-off hiatus mode for long. The reason being exams and everything career related that took priority. For long I've been preparing for this one major exam and when it finally happened, luckily even went so smoothly, it was as if a weight lifted off my chest. Ofc the rigorous hardwork of 12-13 hours a day felt worth it when I went to sleep that night when the exam was finally done. All I could think was I'd finally be back to pick up my work from where I paused them. And then, when the very next day one hears the scams, the conflicts, & ultimately the cancellation of that very paper – that feeling is way beyond what words can describe. It's not a mere few hours of exam day that goes into vain, but the hardwork, the anxiety, those all-nighters, sleepless nights, hopeful eyes, everything in between that gets crushed under sudden heavy weight. In short, dreams get played with.
          My Indian friends would surely be updated about the NEET & NET scams. I can feel the pain of each of those people who carry so much hope in their hearts. Atm there may not appear a positive lining, but I'm sure it's there somewhere. We can only keep holding onto that flicker of hope and continue our pursuit of dreams.
          On writing front, I'm keeping my projects on hold for some time, until I find that willpower to bounce back and start again. 
          Stay happy,
          Stay strong : )✨


@DaisyDayNew2 That's such a sweet thing to say. Yes I've my dreams and it's the most important part.
            Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️


@AakritiPathak the NEET/NET scams have disappointed me so much when I read 'bout them. Like I'm kinda ashamed of Indian exam/education system. Never have I ever felt so angry at something Indian until this point. 
            You're not alone. Your dreams are with you. 
            There's a silver lining and you must hold onto that. 
            Wish you luck and strength! 
            And sorry for your pain. Hope you make the best of it.


Giving this short contest a shot. Hopefully it will help me battle out the persistent writer's block! 
          Do check out the contest hosted by @TEEN_FIX // I quite like the way the contest has been formatted:)


@AakritiPathak Thank you for the shout out! All the best! 


Hi! Namaste ❤️✨
          Sooo, a few changes have taken place, for good mostly, or i hope it will be for good only.
          Firstly, after 3+ years of being an ambassador, I've left it behind. De-badged already xD! It was a learning experience, and I'd hold onto the good bits from these years.
          After detaching myself from the overwhelming responsibilities, I am now aiming to majorly focus on my novels – Kashi, to begin with. It's been over a year that I wrote more than 100-200 words, and now I'm simply ready to bounce back into my writer mode. Reading as well!
          Wattys season has started (introduction at least!). I'm torn honestly – where on one hand I do want to finish the book and nudge it ahead, given I've never participated in Wattys till now :'). But at the same time, the limited number of genres is a icky-ick! It'd be unfair to shove the book under the bus of 'Romance', when it's so much more than a simple love story. We will see though. As of now I'm aiming to get Kashi cross the ending line.
          Anddddd, how are you people doing these days? Planning to enter into Wattys? 
          Ps: Good Mystery/Thriller story recs please? :)


@Queen_of_life_Heba All the best for wattys project, I'm sure you will do great with whichever book you decide to pick ✨
            Thans for the recommendation, I've added the story to my list, will surely read it! 


@AakritiPathak I want to dive headfirst into one of my horror projects and see if I can finish it by the Wattys deadline. But we will see about that. Just want to get back into writing after going through a major slump. 
            I think Chimera by @empiresofwater is a great recommendation. It's a sci-fi thriller novella and has a very engaging plot + writing style. 


Not a direct dig at anyone but age-group of 13-18 shouldn't be allowed to write 18+ (sexual) content. A 14 years old writing adult erotic scene in a book is not only disgusting, it's equally disturbing even. Nuh uh, nope, this p*rn addiction needs to be stopped.
          I said what I said.


@Anamwrites Ofc! Pleasure is my treasure was one of the first books that I read on here, and it has always took a special spot. Take all the time, and come back with the book with a bang. We're here to support you. 
            Ps: Good luck for your thesis, you are going to do awesome with it ❤️
            I'm in search for my own PhD topic lol. My mind is leaning towards Comparative Literature, let's see though.


@AakritiPathak It's good to know that you share the same views as I do in this regard. I hope that through our writings and perspectives, we can offer people a fresh and clean outlook on writing, which is highly needed in this modern era. Choosing a literary fiction novel for my thesis that isn't older than five years is another complexity I'm currently facing, especially because many contemporary literary fiction romance novels focus on unnecessary and distasteful aspects of human nature that I highly detest. It's really hard to find something pure and natural to research.
            I'm doing wonderful. How about you? I would have messaged you if direct chat was working. You can connect with me on Instagram anytime you like. Whoa, you remember Mercy? It's great to know that I still have a few people around who remember my characters and novel. There's good news coming soon this year about my comeback. I am determined to finish writing and editing my work before publishing regularly so people can easily read it. I faced several writing blocks as well as academic pressure, but thank God, I didn't lose interest. Every single day, I was reminded of what I hadn't completed. This regret has been enough to push myself to make progress, both small and big, until now. I have good hope. Fingers crossed, love. <3


@Sarae-Seong exactly! You've put it in right words. Underage writers writing adult erotica is something very disturbing. Hope they find something to stop or at least lessen this ever growing trend.