
Tagged by @artemesian
          	So, the rules:
          	1. You have to write 5 facts about yourself.
          	2. It cannot be in the comments or replies.
          	3. You have to complete this in a week or there will be a severe punishment.
          	4. Remember to mention these rules.
          	5. You cannot back out.
          	6. You have to tag 15 other people.
          	1. My fave thing to eat of all time are pickled olives
          	2.  I value food over humans. If you are hanging from a cliff and a really delicious looking pizza is about to fall, Im not saving you.
          	3. I dyed my hair a dark red
          	4.  I dislike JB. Bloody sue me. People say hes changed. Lies. I see right through them. Real eyes realize real lies.
          	5. I live in Chicagooo
          	Tagging: @lordvasca @paradigmX @TheSecretSolider @JordenLeonard @xToriSamax @Lookingforthefeels @Godztheunicorn @artistLivia @alyssagravelle   ...thats all i got. Im anti social goshdarnit


Tagged by @artemesian
          So, the rules:
          1. You have to write 5 facts about yourself.
          2. It cannot be in the comments or replies.
          3. You have to complete this in a week or there will be a severe punishment.
          4. Remember to mention these rules.
          5. You cannot back out.
          6. You have to tag 15 other people.
          1. My fave thing to eat of all time are pickled olives
          2.  I value food over humans. If you are hanging from a cliff and a really delicious looking pizza is about to fall, Im not saving you.
          3. I dyed my hair a dark red
          4.  I dislike JB. Bloody sue me. People say hes changed. Lies. I see right through them. Real eyes realize real lies.
          5. I live in Chicagooo
          Tagging: @lordvasca @paradigmX @TheSecretSolider @JordenLeonard @xToriSamax @Lookingforthefeels @Godztheunicorn @artistLivia @alyssagravelle   ...thats all i got. Im anti social goshdarnit