
          	Yes, I am still alive (thankfully) I am so sorry to have disappeared for almost a year.  Honestly, 2017 was a rough year for me because I was dealing with so much.... but I'm back, and hopefully 2018 will be better... for us all. Anyway, I have rekindled my zest for writing, so hopefully, I will be updating soon... I don't know when but hopefully soon.
          	I will most probably be updating a chapter based on a tag from @hungergames36 so if you would like to know more about me... yeah.
          	Thank you to those who are still sticking around, and to those who left I don't blame you.
          	Happy 2018 everyone!
          	Now I'm going to sleep cause its like 7 in the morning, and I haven't slept at all.


          Yes, I am still alive (thankfully) I am so sorry to have disappeared for almost a year.  Honestly, 2017 was a rough year for me because I was dealing with so much.... but I'm back, and hopefully 2018 will be better... for us all. Anyway, I have rekindled my zest for writing, so hopefully, I will be updating soon... I don't know when but hopefully soon.
          I will most probably be updating a chapter based on a tag from @hungergames36 so if you would like to know more about me... yeah.
          Thank you to those who are still sticking around, and to those who left I don't blame you.
          Happy 2018 everyone!
          Now I'm going to sleep cause its like 7 in the morning, and I haven't slept at all.


Happy Easter everyone!! Jesus is risen and don't forget that he died so we could have life and because he loves us. That is the greatest love story ever written and I hope y'all had a great holiday.
          Love, The crazy writer who keeps taking unplanned breaks  aka me sorry.


Hey everyone, I apologise for taking an unplanned hiatus. Life just keeps getting in my way. I'll try to come back let's say Early May but I promise I am still working on all my stories (Just making slower progress than usual  sorry)
          Thank you all and I hope you had a great first four months of 2017. How had it been for everyone?


Hello everyone,
          I am so sorry that I have been missing since like forever. I missed Christmas and New year, I am so sorry!!!! 
          These past few weeks have been complete madness and I have not found the inspiration to write and also I misplaced my plot book (I'm not careless I promise, this happens only once in a while) and I am still looking for it but luckily I remember what the next chapter is about, it's just the arrangement that's taking time. I promise I will try my absolute best to upload really soon. 
          Thank you for everyone that has stuck by me. 
          And @LilKesha99 WELCOME BACK!!!  
          thank you for all your love and also @TeamGod1 (still inactive) yoy both are so amazing I can't.... 
          Love y'all 
          Oh and @Lu99xo we have got to talk!!! 
          So once again I apologize and I love all of you.. 
          Lots of love and apologizes,


 New flash guys, 
          I apologize I did not win the writing contest. I thought I did cause I got the most votes for my category but apparently that's not the way it works. Whoever got the most voted overall won. And I hate to say this because I will probably sound jealous but the story that won was (how do I say this nicely?) not the best, it had no story line and it made no sense. He definetly did not deserve it becasue there were better stories. I'm so mad cause it was so unfair and I hate being swindled 
          But I'm still grateful for the opportunity. Thank you to everyone who voted. 


So, the writing contest is finally over and I have officially unofficially won (By God's Grace)
          I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone that voted. Y'all are so amazing, thank you. 
          Now because I have two and a half drafts in my saved works....  I will now update a double to celebrate my unofficial Victory 
          Yay or Nay? 
          Xoxo Liyah