@AaminahGajjar thank you so much for fanning me, it totally made my day. I would love to know what you think Silverlighters if you get a chance. I noticed in your profile that your son has recently been diagnosed with autism, a hard time for you and your family, but there is so much help out there now and a lot of wonderful programs in place. Many of the students I work with have autism, predominantly aspergers, and in Australia there is a lot of assistance within the school system to support students who may have extra needs. Don't be shy approaching the school about it, not sure about where you live, but in Oz we encourage open communication between parents so we can meet the students needs. They most likely have a support team that you can have a meeting with and discuss your options etc. That's what we do in Oz anyhow. Hope this helps, but you may have already found all this out by now, just noticed on your profile that you are currently figuring out how to help him get the support he needs so I thought I would throw my two cents worth in.