
My first time back in quite some time. . . My, oh my. . . I was reading through some of my works and I wasn't sure whether to cringe, laugh, cry, or what-have-you, haha... I was an awkward teenager :) But that's okay.  Btw, Happy NaNoWriMo 2k16 to all who are participating, and good luck!


My first time back in quite some time. . . My, oh my. . . I was reading through some of my works and I wasn't sure whether to cringe, laugh, cry, or what-have-you, haha... I was an awkward teenager :) But that's okay.  Btw, Happy NaNoWriMo 2k16 to all who are participating, and good luck!


Hey Aaron, when you get your website in place, you can connect it to your Wattpad account, if you weren't already aware. And also, find yourself a background picture! xD


:o! Sweet! And awh I thought I did post a background picture but it must've grayed out. Oh well, I shall find another!


Welcome to Wattpad Aaron! xD


Thanksya! :) I'm still trying to figure my way around it, but I think I'm doing okay-ish so far with it! Haven't run into any problems yet, but there's some lingo on here that baffles me o_O I guess only "Watters" (my term for experienced Wattpad users) understand the hip terms around hurr.