
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of updating... :’)


I was actually decided to discontinued “When The Third Came”.. :’) but then, until I came back and see how much it has grow without me... I’m extremely surprised to see that my boring and lack of continuation book is at rankings!! It hurts my soul to even DREAM about it happening.. I can’t believe it manage to reach 700+ in #justforfun and 500+ for #interesting!✨ Thanks you guys so much!


Hello guys!!✨ It has been forever since I came back from the dead and back online to Wattpad.. :’) I sincerely apologize for my absence I’m continue the story and never-ending hiatus...☹️
          But anyways! Here I am! I have a good ample amount of time and try to produce the content for my story.


@Nico610 Aww thanks so much!✨


Thanks for following!! We gotta stick together here. I hope you gather an amazing fan base! :)


Im sorry i havent replied to you for a long time... i have always wanted to thank you on the first day you've send this.


Why thank you so much @bret_mykel ! I also hope you too likewise! Plus, keep up the hard work for your future books!