
anyone who must know i have a spinel book, aaand since school has started i have not been able to do much on it. i will asure you i will get them as done as i can! ive just been swamped with getting school organized (not homework just school scedualing ) so please dont fret! anyone who has given me a prompt to work with please message me! i will do my best to write what i can! thank you for all that you have done and for knowing my existence and such, hope you all have a happy new decade/year and ill see you next time !


anyone who must know i have a spinel book, aaand since school has started i have not been able to do much on it. i will asure you i will get them as done as i can! ive just been swamped with getting school organized (not homework just school scedualing ) so please dont fret! anyone who has given me a prompt to work with please message me! i will do my best to write what i can! thank you for all that you have done and for knowing my existence and such, hope you all have a happy new decade/year and ill see you next time !


also sorry for anyone who has requested a oneshot! i had came down with a minor cold over the weekend and it make me pause my writing. and schools no help. i will try to get it done tomorrow or the weekends and if anything ill try to post every sunday, so ill choose a request monday and try my best to get it done before next monday. if all else goes right and i finish early, i will pick anotehr person but it will or may not be as long as hoped for. sorry for any inconveniances, sincerally, Aaronn Brooks


i am alive, yes, and ill be working on one of my books, for now. it will be a while and i doubt it will be better, but im also changing the first five or four chapters that where there before. i will also be working on other books, currently unpublished due to the lack of working on them and the lack of time or motivation, but i will prevail and try to get thigns sorted out. i am not dead. and i will take requests for one shots since im sure i got a book for those. cya fam.


is it possible to get ptsd, from mental abuse? as in constant arguing by parents around or parent to you? or even getting sent to your room? and mind you, for no apparent reason or crime?
          if it is possible, then would the back lash of both be breaking down into tears after either entering the room, or wanting to cry seconds after or during said argument? 


Im glad to help


@Vynle_R  yes I think it is. happens to me over little things my mom would say. especially the wanting to cry. I suggest therapy if this is happening to you bud.


can i like... remove the writers block from all existing books i love to read?


@Vynle_R or when you are the writer and have writers block and a book you love is on hold. Hits me every time