Today I realised life is so fragile and so unpredictable and soo many times we take our or another person's life for granted, I realised this when I read the heartbreaking news on @AnshikaSharma4's message board that @WhoseYourDaddy101 sadly passed away as he was unfortunately a covid patient. I was really shocked by this as I had just talked to him on 3rd April and things were somewhat stable, we had even made a plan meeting up after all this was over after he was treated and was safely back home. This was never supposed to happen! Viraj although we never met in real life you really left an impact on my life you have been a great friend and as you refered to me as your little sister. You'll be really missed viraj and will always have a bigg special space in my heart for you. A person as caring as you and with such a goofball personality is really hard to find, we lost a real gem hope you are in a better place now RIP ♥♥