@vinujaranjith ohh no don't be sorry it's ur story n its really good i just can't deal with prem being hurt but it's oky happiness comes after pain(◕ᴗ◕✿)❤️
@Aasumigurung123 oh..im sorry for that..all my stories are taken from true incidents....so its should be like that ...hope you understand that..and thankyou very much for supporting me..keep reading..
Hi dear... Thank you soo much for your support. I really appreciate it and this mean a lot to me. Hope you will enjoy my works. Again thank you and have a nice day. Happy reading ❤❤❤
Happy new year.❣❣❣
@TimDrake1103 I am so glad that you enjoyed it I'll try my best to keep writing but it will probably take time cuz I have a job and school the whole day