
So I know I only have 8 followers and almost all of them probably don't realise they follow me. Just wanted to say thanks for following to you guys. I appreciate it.
          	Also I'll be working on Immortals and uploading chapters soon. XD


Thats a great story that you have there! Keep it up. Its very well written. <3 I have added it to my library for now, but I will finish reading all five parts as soon as time allows it. Love, Su.


@TiilagumchandaranGun  Thank you so much!! :)


So I know I only have 8 followers and almost all of them probably don't realise they follow me. Just wanted to say thanks for following to you guys. I appreciate it.
          Also I'll be working on Immortals and uploading chapters soon. XD


Hey guys!:)  I know it's been forever since I updated anything, but I'm having major writer's block. -.-  Plus, right now, there are things going on in my life that need attention before my writing so I'm going to take a hiatus:P  Sorry.  I promise I won't leave forever lol.


Hey.  I'm deleting all my stories, except for Watch Your Back because that's already finished, and I'm starting fresh.  I'm going to try and stick to updating about every 6 or 7 days, and I'll have new and better stories up. :)


Hey, I might be MIA for the next 5 days unless I ever get some free time 'cause my cousins are coming over from Massachusetts! :D  I only get to see them once or twice a year so I'll be spending as much time as possible with them. :)