
SO.. Have been working on a new story that I thought of while watching a film! It's early days so far but I am really excited about it! I'm still keeping Our Untamed Love, but at the minute I've lost the motivation for it... I hope I find it again.
          	Abbey. x


SO.. Have been working on a new story that I thought of while watching a film! It's early days so far but I am really excited about it! I'm still keeping Our Untamed Love, but at the minute I've lost the motivation for it... I hope I find it again.
          Abbey. x


Well, the chapter is FINALLY basically finished but my laptop is broken and I can do a proper read through at the moment so I will update it for you asap... Till then, thank you all for being so patient!!
          Abbey. x


You're so sweet to add my books to your RL and favourites too!  Thank you for voting and I appreciate the comments.  Keep them coming as I love to hear what readers have to say! 
          I'm a closet writer too!  Only a handful of people in my life know I write.  


Thanks! And no, thank you for writing them :) For sure I will comment! I don't get many on my story but, when I do it is really motivating, so I don't hesitate to sing my praise haha.
            I know what you mean only my mum and a few close friends know about me writing :)


Hey guys, I have mock exams for my A-Levels, so any updates will be slow and sloppy... I don't want to post anything THAT bad, so I'm not going to update promptly. I won't for sure say that there won't be an update at all, because there might be one or two posted.
          Abbey. x