
Hello, Please can you send me the name of the person who copied In Love With My Twin because I love the story and would like to know who caused such an amazing story to be removed from one of the best writers on wattpad !!! It wwpuld be much appreciated. Thankyou 


Hello, Please can you send me the name of the person who copied In Love With My Twin because I love the story and would like to know who caused such an amazing story to be removed from one of the best writers on wattpad !!! It wwpuld be much appreciated. Thankyou 


"Ellie's POV
          My phone buzzed. It was a mention on Twitter, actually it was a bunch of mentions. I began to read through them:
          @Els_R5: Well done Ellie!! You saved my idols! <3 :) so
          I smiled at many tweets like that. I spotted a tweet from Riker:
          @rikerR5: I nearly died, so did @rossR5, thankfully @Ryland R5 was OK. I crashed our car but @rossR5's gf, @Els_R5 brought me and Ross back to life. <333 xoxo
          I smiled at him. He gave me a puzzled look. That's when I saw the hate.
          @Els_R5: Back off Ross, he's mine! 
          @Els_R5: You're ugly - stay away from Ross! He belongs to me. 
          @Els_R5: Who cares if you saved Ross and Riker's lives? He's mine!
          I stopped. Ross saw my distraught face."


No this is someone else's I was asking a question about it 


@ AbbieCollis  is this a summery of your FF?