Alright, so recently I've been going back through my fanfics and just sitting here like "why did I even write this? It's such crap." I have honestly began to hate them, I feel as if there is no substance to any of them, they're just kind of meh.
I was seriously considering just deleting them, I hate them so much (especially Because I'm Taken don't even get me started.) Also I had so many plans for Wonderstruck that just never got written so I've made a decision.
Starting sometime in January, I will be rewriting Lovestruck, Because I'm Taken and Wonderstruck. I feel like I should have put more effort into them than I did and I'm just kind of like meh so I'm going to rewrite bits and pieces of each and HOPEFULLY they can be considered quality work (lol doubtful but I'm trying.)
So if you actually took time of of your day to read this, thanks it means a lot. I felt as if I needed to update you on these things so if you go back you don't have to be like "WOAH MAN THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN BEFORE WHAAAAT" so yeah looove you bunches.