
Hey guys! 
          	If you are reading this, i would like you to check out my friends awesome poetry. Its amazing! Its called "C" by WisewordsKindwords
          	Check her out! (:


hey it's mig. lol I love u baby <3


@WisewordsKindwords OK my parents are going to be home soon so I can ask them. and BTW my bf said hi 


Sure! :D tell me if plans dont work out for saturday. Ill understand :)


@WisewordsKindwords Um I'll have to ask if I'm already doing something which I'm probably not but how about Saturday? :) weather doesn't look too bad. Tomorrow is my step-dad's birthday and Friday is New Years and all I do is catch up on sleep that day from being up so late the day before lol. But if all goes well Saturday would be perfect. What time are u thinking about? It gets dark around 4-5ish and normally I'm not awake until like 9 how about like....2? Then that gives us two hrs to just chill and get turnt together XD 