
For those of you  who weren't happy with the ending and felt that she deserved worse, I present to you: An alternate ending! I just uploaded it.


Okay, firstly, I apologise for us being majorly inactive recently. I've been in the caravan without an internet connection and - well I don't know Abby's excuse. Second, I'm working on a third - and possibly final - part to Oblivious Simon but I'm having trouble with inspiration. AGOLAD should've been updates weeks ago, but SOMEONE hasn't finished writing. Not naming any names. - R


Okay, A Game of Life and Death is ready to be updated (Abby is just reading through my editing now) but we need some reader advice. Are there any relationships you would like to see? We can't agree on any. Thank you, and I hope you like the new chapter - Rebecca


Thank you. We appreciate everyone's opinion so we will bare that in mind.


Oh my gosh!!! I'm so excited to read it!!! 
            Raphael and Skylar all the way!!