
Ok so my eye is still swollen I'm going back to the doctor to get another shot and some medicine hopefully my eye will be back to normal by tomorrow if not I'm going to an eye specialist where they will try and fix it. After it healed I'm going to an allergist to find out what I'm allergic to. Wish me luck


Ok so my eye is still swollen I'm going back to the doctor to get another shot and some medicine hopefully my eye will be back to normal by tomorrow if not I'm going to an eye specialist where they will try and fix it. After it healed I'm going to an allergist to find out what I'm allergic to. Wish me luck


Hello! Well I've been at the doctor all day because I woke up this morning and my eye was swollen shut! They gave me a shot and said I was having an allergic reaction. The swelling hasn't gone down I've taken benedryll so I've been sleeping like all day. So I'm sorry but I won't have chapter one of TDI published today or tomorrow probably. If the swelling isn't down by tomorrow morning I have to go to the E.R! So I'll let yall know what happens.