
          	True. That's why I'm planning on writing 2 chapters before posting. If I ever get busy, I've always got another chapter to post. Let's say I have one chapter up, and I'm currently writing chappy 3, if I ever get writer's block/busy I can always post chapter 2.
          	That's how I'll be writing now. :D
          	Honestly, "If I get Xvotes, I'll post the next chapter" is just crap to me. They just want more attention. T_T It's okay to ask for 'em, but saying you won't post till you get a million votes? Nada, nope, go to Hell.
          	2 years!? Then YOU should be the one telling me which books are good. xD
          	Nah, I live in El Cerrito. FARRRR AWAYYYY FROM SAN MATEO. ACROSS THE BRIDGE. ;D


That's a good idea ! o: 
          yeah, that's like bullcrap lmfao. 
          plus, their stories aren't even that good. 
          it's like. sappy PREDICTABLE, TYPICAL love stories. 
          -______- like c'mon, you want that to win the wattyawards? people, use your brains! & awwwh :c that's far 


          True. That's why I'm planning on writing 2 chapters before posting. If I ever get busy, I've always got another chapter to post. Let's say I have one chapter up, and I'm currently writing chappy 3, if I ever get writer's block/busy I can always post chapter 2.
          That's how I'll be writing now. :D
          Honestly, "If I get Xvotes, I'll post the next chapter" is just crap to me. They just want more attention. T_T It's okay to ask for 'em, but saying you won't post till you get a million votes? Nada, nope, go to Hell.
          2 years!? Then YOU should be the one telling me which books are good. xD


i mean, i don't think an author should post until they actually finish a story though ;A; but i mean like, they leave the anticipation anyways, so they can get votes. "when i get 500 votes, ill post the next chapter" that sort of thing. & haha, actually no. c: ive been a wattpadder since like, two years ago ;A; i just wanted a new name. but i forgot you can change your name ./derp :3 do you live in san mateo? o: 


          LOL Sparshie. @xDreamland Is she the one who dragged you into Wattpad just like she did to me? ;D
          I do hate waiting as well, but the best books take time, in my opinion that is.
          Btw, another great story is Their Paid Girl. True, the author takes time to upload, just like the BDG, but I think it's a bit better in some ways.
          I don't have much in my library to offer you to read, I think Sparsh is the best person tp ask, she's read over a million books. ^^


O.o Stalker alert. xD
          I think it's a great story, not something I'd die for, but personally I'd give it a 8 1/2 out of 10. Why that rating? Well, personally I feel as if the latest chapters aren't what I expected nor wanted. 
          Though-ignoring that fact, I think it's a really good story! :D
          I'm guessing your friend is Evermore1999, no? Since she had recently talked to me. :P


i stalked you through my friend .__. 
          uh anyways ~ is the billion dollar girl good? 
          c: like, what do you think of it. is it ok. good. to die for. or jaklfjdlsafjlsa omg. 
          ive been meaning to read it, but i heard the author also hasn't posted in a month.