
Hello! For those who are reading my book Daycare with you, I've decided to take it down for a while as I think it needs much more structure and depth. I truly am sorry. I may have gotten a bit too eager since it was one of the first books I've started to write and pushed it out there even though I knew it needed a lot more work on. I thought I'd catch up with it eventually but unfortunately, I didn't due to a long period of writer blocks and everyday life. It will return quite soon and hopefully by then, finished and edited with your help. Thank you :)


Awww well I’ll miss it! :(


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy Ofc your works worth it. Np- Just keep with your good work. Your books amazing❤ and reading it helps a lot with my day too. Hopeful I might read more of them. Thanks for even coming on my page lol- that was quite surprising!


Hello! For those who are reading my book Daycare with you, I've decided to take it down for a while as I think it needs much more structure and depth. I truly am sorry. I may have gotten a bit too eager since it was one of the first books I've started to write and pushed it out there even though I knew it needed a lot more work on. I thought I'd catch up with it eventually but unfortunately, I didn't due to a long period of writer blocks and everyday life. It will return quite soon and hopefully by then, finished and edited with your help. Thank you :)


Awww well I’ll miss it! :(


Whoa thanks for the follow :) I’ll follow back and try to check out your work but I’m EXTREMELY behind on reading these days... sorry. Have a good day/night!


@Cecilia_Faith Oh Thank you. You as well :)


Also I love your profile aesthetic 


hi madi!! <3
          I would love and appreciate if you'd be willing to check out my novel, The Chemistry Test!  It's a fun, romantic read, and your feedback and support would mean so much! I'd also be more than happy to check out any of your works as well! I hope you're doing well, staying safe, and that you enjoy the story!
          Have a wonderful day!
          Ari xx


@tennisfumes Oh sure, I'll check it out♡ You have a wonderful day as well 