
WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME OF THE PAIN I WOULD EXPERIENCE WHEN A BOOK I HADN’T FINISHED HERE ON WATTPAD GETS TAKEN DOWN. I don’t remember the author but the book was called ‘the kids aren’t alright’ and it was amazing. Now I am sad.
          	Also the Captive Prince series is amazing but not for the faint of heart. 
          	I went to two art galleries on Monday, one of like old art and one of modern art. The old gallery was beautiful and I took so many pictures. The modern art gallery was… interesting to say the least. There were a few art works that truly had me questioning, but there was also some really nice ones.


Nooo, I can’t imagine how devastated I would be if the defiantly not a fanfic about a science show I was watching got taken down. Seriously, you have no idea how many badly written ones I had to go through to find this one. And it’s such a small fandom too. Art galleries are super fun though. In theatre today we had an entire lecture and art, museums, and interacting with art. Art’s pretty cool, even when you don’t get it


WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME OF THE PAIN I WOULD EXPERIENCE WHEN A BOOK I HADN’T FINISHED HERE ON WATTPAD GETS TAKEN DOWN. I don’t remember the author but the book was called ‘the kids aren’t alright’ and it was amazing. Now I am sad.
          Also the Captive Prince series is amazing but not for the faint of heart. 
          I went to two art galleries on Monday, one of like old art and one of modern art. The old gallery was beautiful and I took so many pictures. The modern art gallery was… interesting to say the least. There were a few art works that truly had me questioning, but there was also some really nice ones.


Nooo, I can’t imagine how devastated I would be if the defiantly not a fanfic about a science show I was watching got taken down. Seriously, you have no idea how many badly written ones I had to go through to find this one. And it’s such a small fandom too. Art galleries are super fun though. In theatre today we had an entire lecture and art, museums, and interacting with art. Art’s pretty cool, even when you don’t get it


Was dreading the start of the school year, got school, realised that it isn’t that bad. I have two art classes (6 classes per week) a drama class, an extension science class that seems really easy for extension, extension maths which I don’t know how I got into or how I understand the work and a general English. Going well.
          I’m going to play Dungeons and Dragons properly for the first time on the weekend. Ngl, I’m a little scared. 
          Also, I’m in F1 deficit. I haven’t had any races in ages and it’s still over a month until the first race. Exciting.


So, currently watch Revenge of the Sith. This is the first time I’ve watched it and actually understood it. I’ve been so close to absolutely sobbing. WHY IS IT SO SAD?? But Anakin is so fine I would probably join the Sith for two reasons. 1, I wouldn’t be killed as a Jedi. 2, would be working with Anakin. I had to put my safety squint on I was so stressed. My goodness. 
          Also don’t we love a heatwave just before the start of the school year. How fun are the 40+°c (104F) days. 


Okay, don’t get me wrong, I love holidays and being away from school; but SIX WEEKS OF CLOSE 24/7 PROXIMITY WITH MY SIBLING IS GETTING ON MY NERVES. Me and said sibling have fiercely clashing aesthetics and lifestyles, and she prefers to act younger than she is. 
          I pride myself in being able to mask most signs of annoyance, irritation or overstimulation but I’ve run out of fucks to give. Like, no, I don’t care that you hate the hunger games. Yes, I do think you’re immature. No, I’m not on my period. And no, I DO NOT CARE that you’re too lazy to make lunch for yourself.
          Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
          Also can anyone tell me if Loop earplugs are any good? I’m thinking of buying some but idk.


Hello! Happy New Year. 
          Can someone please tell me why I was expected to tell my teachers about my TAFE course at the end of term 4 so they could put it in my timetable BEFORE I EVEN KNEW I WAS ACCEPTED. 
          Now, when school starts again, I have to go talk to THREE different deputies just to get my Thursday classes cleared. Like, what the actual heck. 
          Anyway, my lesson of the week is if you are going to do a massive diamond painting, strap your wrist. I’m serious. I forgot to and was in a stupid amount of pain. 
          What’s the grossest ice cream flavour?
          Have you ever seen the moon through a telescope? It’s beautiful 
          Anyway, I hope you’re all well and living life with spite.


Hello. I hope you’re all doing amazing and I hope everything is going well. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays for those who are getting that well deserved rest. My question for today:
          How is one meant to use an umbrella???
          I personally am not gifted in the art of umbrella using, I usually end up somewhat wet. And yet I see people staying dry in downpours with an umbrella. HOW??
          Also does anyone else hear the periodic table song whenever they hear the Can Can? I do
          I’m not ready to go back to school. Time is going very fast and I can’t keep up.


            Makes sense. Thank you. Also good luck on your testing.


Ugh, I wish I didn’t have to go to school, but hey, it’s only 2 more days of testing until break! 
            I think you just hold an umbrella slightly above your head, directly against the direction of the rain. For instance, if the rain is coming from the east and you’re facing north, make sure to angle the umbrella in a slight tilt to your right. Also, having a bigger umbrella might help 


More questions for people of the U.S.
          Do your seasons actually not start on the same date each year?? 
          - Here in Australia, summer goes from Dec 1 to Feb 28-9, Autumn goes from Mar 1 to May 31, Winter goes from Jun 1 to Aug 31 and spring is Sep 1 to Nov 30. Apparently you use the moon or smtg?? Pls explain.
          Why does the president pardon the turkey if you eat turkeys anyway?
          How many weeks is your summer holiday and what is a summer camp?
          What is calculus. I feel like it’s a stereotypical U.S subject but I don’t know what it actually is.
          How do you all find clean/presentable clothes every day for school????


@Abelia_Dynasty sorry if I don't respond for a bit, if anyone else has questions Abt the US feel free to ask 


@Abelia_Dynasty um I don't know anyone who thinks drop bears are real.for uniforms it depends on the school exp of my schools we have themed dress days ie decades day. It is Normal to bring packed lunches alot of ppl do. I think you mean a lunchroom or cafferia. Some people are sacred of small things like bugs and it depends on the area some places don't have wolf spiders


@giffdf Omg thank you so much. Okay, I have heaps of questions (I’m so sorry).
            Do some people actually believe that drop bears are real? 
            If you don’t have uniforms, do you guys have an equivalent of a free dress day?
            Is it normal to bring packed lunches?
            What do you guys call tuck shops/canteens?
            And why are you scared of the spiders here when you guys have literal wolf spiders???


Do you think that one day we’ll forget the stars? As cities grow and lights get brighter, do you think one day stars will be a myth of the past? Myths that only the elite can see and know, legends that appear in books and paintings but can’t be seen in real life.


Questions for citizens of the US.
          1. How the actual flipping flop did trump win? All I see is trump hating but still he won.
          2. People drink Dr. Pepper willingly??? I had a taste today and it legitimately tastes like hand sanitiser. Incredibly confused.


Gallons, liters, they’re basically the same thing


Also just for the record I had to Google what a gallon was lol


@HereComesDaSun22 Yeah no, here in Australia it’s all carbonated. If it doesn’t have bubbles then it’s just lemon cordial. But that’s interesting