WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME OF THE PAIN I WOULD EXPERIENCE WHEN A BOOK I HADN’T FINISHED HERE ON WATTPAD GETS TAKEN DOWN. I don’t remember the author but the book was called ‘the kids aren’t alright’ and it was amazing. Now I am sad. Also the Captive Prince series is amazing but not for the faint of heart. I went to two art galleries on Monday, one of like old art and one of modern art. The old gallery was beautiful and I took so many pictures. The modern art gallery was… interesting to say the least. There were a few art works that truly had me questioning, but there was also some really nice ones.

Nooo, I can’t imagine how devastated I would be if the defiantly not a fanfic about a science show I was watching got taken down. Seriously, you have no idea how many badly written ones I had to go through to find this one. And it’s such a small fandom too. Art galleries are super fun though. In theatre today we had an entire lecture and art, museums, and interacting with art. Art’s pretty cool, even when you don’t get it