
Hello people!
          	Hope you all are doing good.
          	My sincere apologies to everyone who has been waiting for an update and I have to apologise again as I'm not able to give you any good news, regarding the update, even now! 
          	To the point now. I'm quitting Wattpad (for the time being) and as I'm going out, I'm pulling out my books. They will be take down NOW! I'll post them again, if and when I log back in on Wattpad.
          	Wattpad has given me a lot, and I can't be thankful enough. An escape from the reality, warm welcome and support to the amateur writer in me, and friends and well wishers and something more. Thank you guys for all the love and appreciation. And I wish you all well. 
          	Sincerely hoping for this not to be our last interaction,


@Abhidhi16 Good Luck for new Beginning


Hello people!
          Hope you all are doing good.
          My sincere apologies to everyone who has been waiting for an update and I have to apologise again as I'm not able to give you any good news, regarding the update, even now! 
          To the point now. I'm quitting Wattpad (for the time being) and as I'm going out, I'm pulling out my books. They will be take down NOW! I'll post them again, if and when I log back in on Wattpad.
          Wattpad has given me a lot, and I can't be thankful enough. An escape from the reality, warm welcome and support to the amateur writer in me, and friends and well wishers and something more. Thank you guys for all the love and appreciation. And I wish you all well. 
          Sincerely hoping for this not to be our last interaction,


@Abhidhi16 Good Luck for new Beginning


Thank u for voting for my book forgiveness I seek


@Abhidhi16 do try my other ongoing works too. Pativrata and Princess of Vidharbha 


@shruthiravi13 It was my pleasure to read it ❤️ Kudos on writing that amazing book!


Any update on ur the one....been so long


@shreyayadav2000 Hi! 
            You can expect an update some time next week. Sorry to keep you all waiting!
            Have a good day❤️


Helloooo friends!!
          So, who all saw the match today? 
          Well, I did and I enjoyed every bit of it. Couldn't see the match yesterday due to exams but today I did and it was worth the time spent. 
          Won the match in two days 
          Great performance Team India
          Ash Anna, Akshar, Rohit 
          I'm having a training in 2 mins and I'm happy they wrapped up before 8
          Sorry for the rant. I just wanted to share this with someone!
          Bye for now!


@Abhidhi16 Anyone who reads this kindly ignore it too. Romba excite aanadhala, ipd oru msg poturuken  Good night!!