Yo, I went through your story, and so far, there are not any chapters, which is fine. But once you get more chapters up, I would suggest combining a lot of those authors notes. Most people don't want to go through six chapters of little to nothing.
I would suggest putting trigger warnings before each chapter, vs only having it in one chapter beforehand.
I am actually really interested in the plot, however. I always like the mafioso type stories. Lol.
My next suggestion is one that doesn't have to be used, because it's all about writing style, but if you are looking to make your readers cringe while reading the gore, it's good practice to follow this rule. I'ma bullet point it down below.
•if you're writing actions or feelings, show, don't tell.
For instance;
If you are showing a setting that is empty, and more plains like, then don't describe what the trees could look like, describe how empty it looks. Why it's empty. Is it supposed to be empty?
That kind of thing.