Howdy howdy, I have news. Iv started writing again, Iv finally got over this mental block that’s stopped me for so long from trying to chase my passion. Iv had so many dream story’s Iv wanted to write but I think I was afraid they wouldn’t turn out the way I wanted them to be. But Iv recently started writing the prologue and first chapter of one of them. It’s only a draft as of now but I will be uploading them once they are done. It won’t be perfect right away and I know there’s gonna have to be so much twerking to get the story the way I want it. But I want to share the journey and take all the criticism and thoughts to make the story Iv wanted to write for so long happen. And make is as best as I can. This will be something different from what I normally write considering there’s little to nothing when it comes to romance. And it one be a first person perspective which Iv only ever written in. But I will be coming back soon, and I might even try to work on my older stories but no promises.
I’m glad you were able to get over that hurdle that many struggle to get through and I look forward to what you have in store and take your time no rush