
Howdy howdy,  I have news. Iv started writing again, Iv finally got over this mental block that’s stopped me for so long from trying to chase my passion. Iv had so many dream story’s Iv wanted to write but I think I was afraid they wouldn’t turn out the way I wanted them to be. But Iv recently started writing the prologue and first chapter of one of them. It’s only a draft as of now but I will be uploading them once they are done. It won’t be perfect right away and I know there’s gonna have to be so much twerking to get the story the way I want it. But I want to share the journey and take all the criticism and thoughts to make the story Iv wanted to write for so long happen. And make is as best as I can. This will be something different from what I normally write considering there’s little to nothing when it comes to romance. And it one be a first person perspective which Iv only ever written in. But I will be coming back soon, and I might even try to work on my older stories but no promises. 


I’m glad you were able to get over that hurdle that many struggle to get through and I look forward to what you have in store and take your time no rush


Howdy howdy,  I have news. Iv started writing again, Iv finally got over this mental block that’s stopped me for so long from trying to chase my passion. Iv had so many dream story’s Iv wanted to write but I think I was afraid they wouldn’t turn out the way I wanted them to be. But Iv recently started writing the prologue and first chapter of one of them. It’s only a draft as of now but I will be uploading them once they are done. It won’t be perfect right away and I know there’s gonna have to be so much twerking to get the story the way I want it. But I want to share the journey and take all the criticism and thoughts to make the story Iv wanted to write for so long happen. And make is as best as I can. This will be something different from what I normally write considering there’s little to nothing when it comes to romance. And it one be a first person perspective which Iv only ever written in. But I will be coming back soon, and I might even try to work on my older stories but no promises. 


I’m glad you were able to get over that hurdle that many struggle to get through and I look forward to what you have in store and take your time no rush


Heyo, not sure who’s still around or even cares about this page. But I’m starting to write new stuff but it’s gonna take a while before I come close to finishing it. Would anyone be interested in me uploading the drafts and giving me feedback. They will be completely different compared to what I write on here. 


Eyyyyyy... it been a year how are you doin?


I want to write but I struggle with it, and I want to move away from these stories. Like they have a special place in my heart but I don’t see these as good stories. And I have other stories that don’t rely on the y/n and people wanting smut out of it.


Thinking about posting some of my writings on here. Not entirely sure if I’m gonna but who knows. I’ll probably start with some short stories for the last book I made. And then start continuing in the older stories. But if anyone who follows me is still alive, heyo


sooooo... how you doin?


But yeah don’t worry I wrote a lot last night, I’ll probably come back within the week. 


ok, pretty nice that of you wanting to write books.


Anyone still alive that actively follows me. If so I’ll probably upload something soon.


@Abox2020 I see we’ll we are still waiting patiently for next chapters here. Until then keeping on the hunt for more cheddar 


Imma try to write my short story’s for now. Until I get fully back into writing writing. I’m still working on my personal projects that I refuse to upload onto Wattpad. 


So I absolutely suck at keeping up with writing my stories. But I’m focusing on writing my big stories that I don’t really think would work on here. Tbh mostly everyone that follows me likes the monster/hentai part of my books. Or self inserts, and the stories I want to delve into when I start making manga. Well you defIl don’t want to self insert yourselves into one of those. But imma try to write something, and who knows maybe I’ll post some big ones. I’ll try to write something today and release it soon. I just don’t have the admiration to write my middle school fantasy anymore. And I feel like I keep messing up on them, I kinda want to purge my account and start over. But I do want to have some sort of interactive bits to story. I just recently released a new book with the knight and the Lamia. Those are short 1 off stories, but I kinda want to do a poll, and give four options. 3 are a new story with a brief summary, and a continuation. 


@Abox2020 honestly I just like hella hellhound monster girl what's not to love Haha, would be interested in reading which every really my personal favorite is fantasy and ones like Rpg games XD magic and all that.


Yeah so if I ever tell you guys imma update a story on a certain day, do not believe me.


I’ll still wait for it lol


i will wait


Alright Iv been away for a while, but my urge to write is coming back. Expect and update on a story for Friday.


That’s good to hear


That be cool man. Got another new job haha this one is much better so far XD.