
I think the hiatus for The Erebus Incident has gone on long enough. I've had a good step back and had a few ideas percolate. I'm excited with where the story is going to end up


A few chapter updates have been made, further edits in progress. I have almost finished the next chapter which will explore the events leading up to the previous chapter and the immediate aftermath of Ensign Daniel's discovery. 
          Many apologies for the delay in getting this out, but if you are enjoying the story so far, please stick with it. 
          Votes, comments and critiques are always welcome and appreciated.


Apologies for the delay in getting Chapter 6 of "The Erebus Incident " published. It's been a hard chapter to write but I will have this posted out to the masses by Friday night GMT+12. I hope you all continue sticking around to keep up with the adventure.


Chapter 5 of The Erebus Incident is almost ready for publishing. It's a 2 parter this time. I hope to have this ready in the next couple of days. Thanks everyone who has read the story so far and I hope you keep sticking around.


Chapter 4 of The Erebus Incident will be published by 7:00pm GMT+12 tonight. It will read very jumbled and haphazardly. I have taken creative liberty to reflect the thought patterns of Lt Lewis.
          Please dont crucify me for this one as I write a lot of these chapters on the go before going back to do a proper edit and revision.
          Comments and critiques are always welcomed as I work to making this as polished as I can. Thanks everyone for sticking around for the latest developments


The Prologue for The Erebus Incident has been revised and edited to give some more information about the backstory and events leading up to Chapter One. Chapter 4 is almost ready to be released. Look out for this in the next couple of days. Minor edits have also been made to the already existing chapters such as "Subject 213-Alpha-7" and "Paranoid Security Measures or a Necessity"