
I am very glad because I have regained access to my account! I couldn't remember my email. XD. Unfortunate!


@Absolei I love your comments 


Haha, geez! I am the sappiest of trees today! I suppose that's what happens when you feel love and light in every moment you share with those you know and love and those you don't know, yet love anyway. Oh, dear, there I go again! What an ordeal! ^^;.
          Besides all this, how are you today? I would love to know.


Joy tastes like yellow and orange and green, and it feels like grass and laughter beneath my palms. It feels like firecrackers, like shared glances and hot dogs and grins held in reverence, the wonderful mischief we make together, of many and of much and of little made into enough and more than we can describe, and it says, "here we are. here we stand, here we stay, here we will be, and we will revel in it."
          There is so much joy in this, this fragile existence, made of spun glass and hope balanced between contrasting ideas, ideals, hatred and not, but still persevering.
          What a life this is.


I think I understand why someone would ever fall in love with me. There is so much in myself, so much love, life, and *personality,* I understand why someone would adore it.
          It's so lovely knowing why you're loved, and loving yourself, too. Maybe one day I'll know what that feels like, but until then, this is so much more than enough.


❤️❤️❤️ 100%. Nothing people find more attractive then when you love yourself and when you think you are enough and loving life. Positive energy attracts more. 


I adore the world. All it holds in it, light and dark, is such… splendor! Such indulgence! Every spark held in mischievous camaraderie, every breath we share and tangle of fingers held in mine makes such lovely existence.
          How could I ever hate anything when I breath in such a world? There is so much hatred in it already, how could I add to its weight when *this* is where I am and these are who I share it with? When I live and move and love in such a way?


Hallo! I finished this thing I've been working on for a while, it's a fic I posted on Ao3 about Quackity drowning himself in grief over his dead fiance and Dark!SBI (with Dark!Dad!Sam) trying to help him deal with it through... Unconventional methods. Here's the link, if you want it, I've been working really hard on it! https://archiveofourown.org/works/57176602 ! :}.


Yeah, I am! And I've been more active than you think. ;]. Mainly, I've been a silent reader, I haven't much to say at the moment.


How have you been doing? :33


@Rerewritesokaystuff That's okay! I'm glad you're here. <3.


@Absolei You’re welcome ^^ sorry for late reply, it didn’t tell me that you responded to me T^T