
Your profile picture is everything. Have you read the three books? They’re amazing!


@StealYourChocolate  yeah i mean honestly the 98% on rotten tomatoes does it justice


You’re right they did cut some things out, but overall it was pretty great anyway. I hope there’s a sequel. <fingers crossed also>


@StealYourChocolate i've read the first... was a few years ago now so i barely remember the plot. 100% gonna read it again, and the second and third book. Not 100% on whether I read those or not.
            I reckon the movie portrayed it pretty well but the lack of time cut out a lot of important things eg.
            - her love for baking 
            - the game they played where they had to touch each other with an object (not completely sure but yeah) - wow that sounds so wrong 
            - john ambrose (but I think there'll be a sequel <fingers crossed>)