
It’s been a blast, been a slice, been a hell of a ride. I’ve had so much fun
          	Thank you & Goodbye my friends
          	-AbyssalHeart, A Small Creator In A Big World…


@AbyssalHeart May God guide you on your journey.


It’s been a genuine honor and a pleasure to have you on this site. To read your stories and my friend, Godspeed to you in your next steps of life.


As the sun sets over the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, we gather beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient oak tree. The gentle breeze whispers through the leaves, carrying with it the essence of stories untold and worlds yet to be explored.
          In this tranquil setting, we stand in reverence, paying homage to a literary luminary who has touched our hearts and ignited our imaginations with their words. Their pen, now stilled, has woven tapestries of wonder and wisdom that will endure for generations to come.
          As we reflect on the countless adventures embarked upon within the pages of their books, we are reminded of the power of storytelling to transcend time and space, to connect us in ways that are both profound and enduring.
          Though they may no longer continue to tell riveting stories, their spirit lives on in every sentence, every paragraph, every chapter penned with passion and purpose. And as we bid farewell to this cherished author, we take solace in knowing that their legacy will continue to inspire and enchant readers for years to come.
          So let us raise our voices in gratitude for the gift of their imagination, and let us carry forward the torch of creativity and compassion that they have so brilliantly illuminated. For though they may be gone, their words will forever echo in the corridors of our hearts, guiding us on our own journeys of discovery and enlightenment. Farewell, dear AbyssalHeart. You will be missed, but never forgotten.


I haven't read much, but the people who have read even a tiny bit of the stories will miss you mate, the road is bright for you mate, where one road ends another continues only one way and that way is forward. 
          Hope the best for you mate, and for your loved ones truly was an honor to see your work even if I was too late to see the grind that you pushed through.


It’s been a blast, been a slice, been a hell of a ride. I’ve had so much fun
          Thank you & Goodbye my friends
          -AbyssalHeart, A Small Creator In A Big World…


@AbyssalHeart May God guide you on your journey.


It’s been a genuine honor and a pleasure to have you on this site. To read your stories and my friend, Godspeed to you in your next steps of life.


The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
          DEUTERONOMY 31:8
          Depression can make you feel lonely, God is still there with you. And he’s not going anywhere. :)


Question my friend do you believe in happy endings?


@AbyssalHeart than Keep believing and hoping my friend life is a precious gift persevering under any obstacle and I know you get through yours and ignore the haters for your stories they're very good depressing but still good XD


I’m not sure, I just hope for better days…


Thank you, I feel truly honored to have eight hundred of you wonderful people following me. I know I have been gone for quite some time now, but I assure you, the wait will be worth it. I want these upcoming works to be the best they can be, before we come to an end. Hang tight, something new will emerge soon…


@AbyssalHeart will it have a flaming skull for a head or a blue ring? Please tell me if it will have a flaming skull for a head or a blue ring.