
Hey lovely people <3 
          	I know I am awful at updating XD I'm just not in the mood for Bechloe at the moment, sorry. 
          	I can tell you that I am working on a new Swan Queen fanfiction. For the ones who don't know Swan Queen, Swan Queen is the pair Emma x Regina from Once Upon A Time. I had a lot of inspiration :) 
          	So for you Swan Queen fans out there, stay put! Stay amazing xx


Hey lovely people <3 
          I know I am awful at updating XD I'm just not in the mood for Bechloe at the moment, sorry. 
          I can tell you that I am working on a new Swan Queen fanfiction. For the ones who don't know Swan Queen, Swan Queen is the pair Emma x Regina from Once Upon A Time. I had a lot of inspiration :) 
          So for you Swan Queen fans out there, stay put! Stay amazing xx


We lost the Femslash competition :( Though I’m happy we lost from SwanQueen, that might sound really weird but the Swen fandom is large and if you look at the percentage I think we can be really proud of ourselves. We will fight to make Bechloe canon, whatever happens. I love you awesome nerds <3 
          Congrats SwanQueen fandom! Hope you win!


WAAAAHHH!! Bechloe won Choice Chemistry! I couldn't be more proud of us. The Bechloe fandom really just feels like a family to me ;_; And we've come so far since three years ago. Let's hope Elizabeth Banks will turn it canon ^^ I will be patiently waiting...


Bechloe is nominated for TCA!! WAAAHHH I am so proud of us! I really hope they win just so I can see the look on Anna and Brittany's faces XD 
          Anyways...  Second chapter of Drowning in Blue is up and I sadly have to report I am going on a short holiday, so I won't be updating in atleast a week. Sorry folks ;) Please be patient.


Hi there aca-people! 
          Wow... Got so many views and favs on my Bechloe story  ^^ Thank you for all the support!! I'm working on one that involves some angst/hurt. So you might be really into that (dope) Or not (also dope). 
          I am just giving you a heads up ;)