
"There's a point in someone's life when they just stop and see everything from someone else's perspect..."


@gabattack50 Omg i don't even know that does she know me.....omg....but yes it is lucky to go to school with me *failing at an attractive face* no not really I do school.....And NOOOOOO  you do not wish you wen to school with us....or me and whoever that girl is....My school sucks, and I mean SUCKS! Lol except for my friends. Lol.  But yes the smell here is terrible because of the paper mill. And yes the gumbo is amazing, especially my moms famous chicken and sausage gumbo! Mhmmmmm


@gabattack50 OMG I used to say that all the time about Louisiana's Finest! But to tell you the truth I have had countless people tell me it was amazing, I mean you know it's amazing when Sadie, And Korie think it's good! I always say the story get's better as it goes further into it. SO don't stop doing what your doing! I'll check it out right now, it's boring in West Monroe today xD