
Me: *tries to fall asleep*
          	Brain: haha, no. bitch, you thought


After many months of trying to plan out for House of Memories, I am happy to announce that I finally know how my story is ending. You have no idea how frustrating it has been these last few months. Not only did I have writer's block for The Loss of Innocence, which if you have noticed, I recently unpublished the book until I can finally wrap my head around with how to go about the ending of the book (I have the ending already mapped out, the issue is getting there), but I also had writer's block for House of Memories. And thank god, that is over and done with. 
          In terms of publishing The Loss of Innocence, I will most likely not get back to it anytime soon. I had so many ideas for the book and, like an idiot, I didn't write any of them down so now I'm at a complete loss. I don't know what to do or how to go about the book. So it probably wouldn't be fair for me to keep that book published until my writer's block is finally over.
          In terms of other work, I have been inspired a lot lately. Most of this has to do with the fact that a lot has happened in the last few months that has completely impacted my life more than I wished it did. A lot of bad shiit happened and now my life is turned upside down more than it usually is. And as a healthy coping skill (my therapist would be so proud), I decided to work on other stuff. Some of the stuff I have been working on isn't new stuff. It's old material I have yet to finish so hopefully it all works out in the end. 
          Thank you so much for being patient. 
          Always smile,


I've been trying to update "The Loss of Innocence", but after so long of not updating, I am at a loss. I have a huge writer's block, not to mention all my notes are gone missing (probably due to my sister and her habit of going through my room).  I will try to update this story as soon as I can. 
          Because the writer's block for this story is kicking my butt, I have been inspired to write another book. It's a novella that is really personal to me. Although it is a work of fiction, most of the events that have happened in the book actually happened to me. Because I have such a close connection to the concept, you can be rest assured that I'll be updating this book more frequently. 
          Thank you for your patience, 
          Keep smiling (for the both of us cause lately life has been kicking my butt), 