
It doesn't take much, just few sips and yet.


I don't know whom I miss more, the person who was my friend or the person whom I feel for.
          I don't know what I miss more, my love for you or my freedom with you
          I don't know who I miss more, the person I became in my love for you or the person I was with you.
          I don't know who or what I miss,  I just know you are a large part of it. 
          But at same time, I'm in abyss where I can't even tell days apart. Days and night are cycle or staying awake and sleeping. Was itt new years just this past week? Didn't I just wish you valentines few days back? Wasn't I celebrating my birthday yesterday? How come it's April now? How did all these years pass me by? Where did they go? Why can't I find it?