
Happy birthday dear friend.


I don't know whom I miss more, the person who was my friend or the person whom I feel for.
          I don't know what I miss more, my love for you or my freedom with you
          I don't know who I miss more, the person I became in my love for you or the person I was with you.
          I don't know who or what I miss,  I just know you are a large part of it. 
          But at same time, I'm in abyss where I can't even tell days apart. Days and night are cycle or staying awake and sleeping. Was itt new years just this past week? Didn't I just wish you valentines few days back? Wasn't I celebrating my birthday yesterday? How come it's April now? How did all these years pass me by? Where did they go? Why can't I find it?




I just have my university exams starting on 1st jan so i have been lowkey


it’s complicated so i’ll figure it after my course 


i was talking about that w my mom today, about my post graduate 


Some days, the sky is more grey than blue, heat of sun is blistering rather than warm. Air feels stifling and yet shivers run through me only to be forced into stillness. There are just some days when world is more muted, distant, bleached, a bit more loud and yet bit too silent for my sanity. Some days it's much more harder to part from bed while my mind makes me hate my own immobile nature. Some days it takes longer to make sense of confusion the world drowns in. Some days when words don't register, sounds are either too loud or too silent, every touch is painful, every sense overwhelmed, just on those days I wonder, how it would be to sleep and not wake up.