
Sometimes it still baffles us that people call us by our preferred name and pronouns?? — and then we need to take a step back and rethink how low our expectations are 


this message may be offensive
We’re losing our minds (bc of rsd/rejection sensitive disorder) bc we’re so shit at playing the base and we have this hard song and we just can’t do it, so now we’ve been practicing that exact song for three hours today and we’re going insane (kinda crying about it atm) 
          But we don’t wanna write it off to the other one cause… yk, people wanted me to play this. I don’t wanna let them down
          Uhhhh yeah… we might need to talk to the one “leading” our group of the band 


When do you update a oneshot 


We can’t really write a lot anymore — because of work, so we had to downgrade our schedule to only one update a week. We want to give you guys some good chapters and we can’t do that if we have to rush into updating twice a week. 
            And since it was also a lot to do Oneshots and a story at the same time, we decided to only update one thing — for now the story “We don’t date our siblings”. 
            We don’t know for how long it will stay like this but for now there won’t be new Oneshots (at least for two months) 


Researching disorders for stories and slowly your eyebrow just raises more because ‘that sounds a tad too familiar’ 
          (We looked up ARFID more closer, didn’t know we were *that* relating to it. Don’t get us wrong, we knew it existed and that it was similar to us but we never really researched it and Goddammit-) 


Oh my God, we just remembered that time when we only ate baby food, like only, because it was the only “safe” food


//vent bc it’s family vacation time//
          “Do you really need to change your name and gender, legally? That costs money. Is it really worth it?” 
          Ma’am, we’ve attempted bc of that. We tried to end things bc we hated ourselves and especially our body so much. Yes. It is necessary. It’s only the first step too. 
          On the other hand, we’re not even 24 hours with our family together and our body is already under so much stress that we can’t go to the bathroom despite constantly needing too, and eating is hard and we really want to use substances to calm down. Dunno. 
          No idea how we’re supposed to survive the next two weeks like this… 
          On the other hand, we probably get our name changed officially, even if it’s only towards the end of November 


Telling a friend that one wants to quit alcohol because one realized that it is used as ab replacement for alcohol. 
          Said friend making fun of it a week later, because we’re not good at it and ”Why don’t you just drink a bit and loosen up, huh??” another week later. 
          So, we’re definitely not still at the club with said friend and crying in a bathroom stall bc she dragged us back and then forced us to dance — and got fed up because we didn’t look like we were having fun 
          Alias, we’re stuck with her tho because she needs to drive us back home :)