Hi! I'm a teenage aspiring writer. I have three work-in-progress stories, and I might publish another at some point. I am trans and part of the LGBTQ+. Stay safe, people!

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ace_of_Spadez13
  • Ur Mom’s House
  • Üye olduDecember 17, 2022

Son Mesaj
Ace-of-Spadez Ace-of-Spadez Dec 15, 2023 11:44PM
Damn, coming up on the anniversary of my joining already. What a year.
Tüm Konuşmaları Görüntüle

Phin-and-Flippers tarafından yazılmış hikayeler
Ace-of-Spadez tarafından yazılan Experiment with 1st Person Perspective adlı hikaye
Experiment with 1st Person Perspec...
Just experimenting. Torture warning.
Ace-of-Spadez tarafından yazılan Character List adlı hikaye
Character List
A list of all the characters that will show up in an upcoming series.
Ace-of-Spadez tarafından yazılan Cry, Wolf adlı hikaye
Cry, Wolf
~.The wind rustled through my fur as I ran, ran hard and fast through the dense forest. My paws thumped along...
+1 tane daha
1 Okuma Listesi