
          	Have not 
          	Touched this website (nevermind my story)
          	In SO LONG
          	If you're still here, thank you for waiting! I honestly don't blame those who didn't feel like following anymore. I almost considered stopping the story but, after re-reading my own lore to catch myself up, I think I can do it! I still can't promise consistent updates but please bear with me as I try to push through! Thank you, everyone and HAGS!


          Have not 
          Touched this website (nevermind my story)
          In SO LONG
          If you're still here, thank you for waiting! I honestly don't blame those who didn't feel like following anymore. I almost considered stopping the story but, after re-reading my own lore to catch myself up, I think I can do it! I still can't promise consistent updates but please bear with me as I try to push through! Thank you, everyone and HAGS!


Contrary to popular belief, I have NOT died! Haven't forgotten about the story and, since I'll be having some more free time, I'll be able to work on it! I can't say there's going to be a schedule to my uploading (partly because of my wonderful skill of procrastinating) but I'll do my best to produce at least a chapter. Can't wait to get back to work! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


I'm going to put myself on hiatus. Throughout this whole summer I've produced maybe only one chapter. I'm disappointed in myself. Therefore, I'm going to take a break throughout the school year and once I'm sure I have my school things and extra stuff down pat, I'm going to start up my story again. I will put out 3/3 before I go though.
          Thank you for understanding. Have a nice day  =w=)/


*ahem*...uhhh okay
          For those who follow my series, you're probably wondering if I'm going to update since I said I would update twice in May. I have two things to say about that, both good and (not really) bad news.
          Bad News: I obviously didn't upload in May with school and stuff going on and I decided that I'm not going to have a schedule and just upload when I can.
          Good News: School's almost over! That means, once I get through my final projects, I'm free to do whatever. Then, I will have more time to draw and write this story. 
          Please try to understand as I am a young child and still need to work on my expectations vs reality regarding this book. Thank you for your patience and Happy June 1st and Happy Pride Month!


Ah, Happy May 1st everyone! I'm really sorry for not uploading at all last month. I'll try to upload twice this month to make up for it. I hope you enjoy reading my book and please comment to tell me what you think. Have a nice day!


Hello everyone! I was wondering if I should make an April Fool's chapter... It would most likely come late though because I have test week this week and there is still the 3-parter to finish. Would you be okay with a late chapter or would you rather I not go through all the trouble?
          I also forgot to mention before that I'll mostly be updating once a month unless I find out that I can somehow do more. Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

            If no one votes, I'll leave it alone


I was wandering around on Wattpad and I just noticed: For those who came to me thinking I'll make LWA fanfics because of my banner, sorry. I might do it if I get ideas for one but it will definitely have to be after my current one.
          Just wanted to say that...