
          	Regeneration won a Watty?!?!?!?
          	I'm super pumped and also totally in disbelief. I don't even remember entering, so I'm completely shocked.
          	I'm trying to think of something to say to express how much I appreciate you all, but everything sounds insincere. But for real, THANK YOU. You're the best. <3


@clairvoyage THANK YOU SO MUCH you are honestly like the best ever thank you for being such an amazing and supportive person


@digniteas THANK YOU <3 and you're not wrong


@AceOwl OMMMFFFF ACE CONGRATULATIONS!!!1!!1 gurl you earned it c: can't think of anyone more deserving of a watty than you <3


Did you delete the regeneration of Penelope Simmons? I’ve been trying to read it but it’s not working  looks like such a beautiful book too


@ravenasomaniadem I read it awhile ago and it was really good. It helped me a lot when I was going through a really awful time. Maybe the author moved it to another site? I keep coming back, hoping it'll come back up.


I just finished reading TRoPS, and holy heckaroni. It was such a gorgeously written story and it felt so authentic to me in the sense that the characters felt like real, flawed and complex people. I have massive admiration for the obvious amount of effort that went into it, and I'm looking forward to any other stories you may write 


Ur book was amazing!!!! I wish ud make another book with next years closet group!!! Ur book was awesome and hilarious and real!!! I just want more of it as crazy as that sounds! Thx for making such a great book!!!