
          	Casino Royale Chapter 1 is out Right now!!


Hey! make sure you follow my alt @Jamie_Jackson5225 I'm working on The Dream's Curse over on that account but don't worry Wait! He's My Brother will make a comeback! I'm not going easy on myself so I'm gonna be writing long Comeback chapters for both. I'm going to try to get a chapter out a week whether it be Wait! He's My Brother or The Dream's Curse. Thank you all so much for sticking with me throughout all this! And as always I will see you in the next story Buh-Bye!


Hey thats me!! 


Hey guys sorry about all the not update I've had school and it's been really hectic so hopefully you guys can accept the fact that I can't update every time I said I was going to update and also I want you to pray for my friend and everybody who is going to get affected by Hurricane Florence because they are Troopers they are evacuating right now please just support them