
Hey everyone! Some wonderful works in the making! I'm so excited to share them with you once they are done! Lots of AU's! Rhyme will be updated in a day or two!
          	Anyway, I'm here to say that I've expanded my writing to Archive Reader Ao3. I wanted to move over there just in case any of my works were deleted on Wattpad, and I could move them over. I also wanted another platform to add other types of writing I've written. I won't move any of my stories from here to Ao3 just because I don't have the motivation to do so and need to keep some entertainment on this silly app. There will be stories posted on Ao3 that won't be posted here! Already posted a new short story on Ao3! ;)
          	Username is; AceXD42 on Ao3!
          	Thanks for listening to my TedTalk! Drink some water or else! 


@Ace_Stories24 I'll check out your Ao3 and I'm excited to see more of your works ;)


Hey everyone! Some wonderful works in the making! I'm so excited to share them with you once they are done! Lots of AU's! Rhyme will be updated in a day or two!
          Anyway, I'm here to say that I've expanded my writing to Archive Reader Ao3. I wanted to move over there just in case any of my works were deleted on Wattpad, and I could move them over. I also wanted another platform to add other types of writing I've written. I won't move any of my stories from here to Ao3 just because I don't have the motivation to do so and need to keep some entertainment on this silly app. There will be stories posted on Ao3 that won't be posted here! Already posted a new short story on Ao3! ;)
          Username is; AceXD42 on Ao3!
          Thanks for listening to my TedTalk! Drink some water or else! 


@Ace_Stories24 I'll check out your Ao3 and I'm excited to see more of your works ;)


Fugitives is done! It's been edited and posted for you! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Thank you for your support and patience with it.
          I know it's been quite the journey. I will probably take a break for a while to work on some other projects that were set aside. Rhyme will be updated soon with possibly two parts. I will be updating the Tips and Tricks book soon, too! Go read that if you're interested in learning how to become a writer or a better one!
          Otherwise, I don't have any other plans for Smii7y AU's or books. Hopefully, I can finish side projects for you all to read because some of them may be as good as Crainal! ;) 
          Anyways! I love you all! I hope you are all doing awesome and enjoy Fugitives! Don't forget to drink some water and read on! (Gosh, that's cringe, Ace)


Are you a new writer and don't know where to start with your idea? Are you an experienced writer but stuck on a point in your book? 
          Don't worry! Ace has your back! I am writing a tips and tricks book on my experiences from writing! I will talk about how to solve writers block, common mistakes I see, and how to storyboard! I want to help you all as best as I can, so leave comments, ask questions, and tell me your situations in the book! 


Alright, Cranial lovers. I have some not so great news. It's not terrible, so quit typing your hate and cancel comments. 
          Every time I reread Fugitives, I just cringe. I'm not proud of my work, and I know you guys would definitely not be impressed. It just feels rushed and pushed. Not the glorious writing you all deserve. 
          So, Fugitives: Book 3 of my Cranial series is being rewiten! I have a whole knew plot planned, and hopefully, it will be less cringy (and I won't forget characters *clears throat*). That means it will take longer to come out, but I want it to be worth the wait. Not this crap I have currently. It will be my number one priority for writing.
          I'll post what I currently have in my Idea Catcher book so you can see how terrible it was. And no saying that it's good! Because it wasn't! 
          I love you guys very much! Have a fantastic day and night, and grab a snack while you reread Crainal! Love ya! ❤️ 


@Rosalie_marie2004 I'm glad! I love this series, too, and want to make sure it's the good writing you deserve! 


@Ace_Stories24 omg I'm so excited and take your time when writing. Thank you for writing these books because I love themm ❤️❤️


H...hey everyone... listen. Don't be mad at me, okay. Fugitives is still a big WIP (work I progress in case you may not know) Anyways. I don't like how several of the chapters came out, and I'm noticing a big flaw with a missing character that I totally forgot I made *facepalm*. A lot of my chapters seemed rushed and forced. That's not the writing I want to produce for you all. So, I'm very sorry if you're anticipating the third book of the Cranial series, but it's going to be worth it. Hopefully...
          As for the rest of my books, they are also a WIP. There is one I really want to write, but every time I write in it, I feel like I I should be writing Fugitives instead. Rhyme still gets updated sometimes. If you liked Wildfire, I highly recommend that one. Have some brilliant ideas for that. 
          Don't hate me, Cranial fans. I want this book to be elite for you lovely hoomans. Thank you for all the support. I love you guys so much that I will make you go drink some water! Toodaloo! 


@LuckyCat22216 You must read it now or else! I'm kidding! You don't have to read anything little alone apologize for it :)


@Ace_Stories24 Also I feel sorry about not being able to reading read your amazing writing recently ( T~T )


@Ace_Stories24 Take as long as you need <3


-"Drop us, Egghead!" Sonic shouted. We started to rise up from Eggman's retractable claw. Eggman chuckled. I tried to stand up but the curvature of the orb kept me unbalanced and I fell back down. 
          "Run along, Shadow. I'm doing you a favor." Dr. Robotnik said. Shadow's red eyes met my blue ones. 
          He was too far away to communicate with me as Sonic and I kept rising up. I didn't want him to stick around and get caught too. "You're going to regret this, Eggman." Shadow warned. 
          "Oh please. If you even try, I'll have three hamsters running on wheels. Toodaloo." Dr. Robotnik said and yanked on his controls. The aircraft sped around and swirled Sonic and I around in the ball. 
          I groaned from my dizziness, "Well, that didn't go to plan."
          "You think?" Sonic asked harshly. He tried the stable himself as he stood up, "I'm getting out of here." He spun into a ball but instead of hitting the glass, he looped around the top of the ball and into me. We tumbled into a heap at the base of the orb.
          "Ow! Don't you know how circles work?!" I snapped at him as I got up to a sitting position. He sat across from me.-
          New book! Was I writing this instead of a third book to Cranal and Umbra? Maybe... But! It's almost done! Sort of... Anyways! Go read Blue!


"Alright. I'm on my way." He replied. He drifted his car around in a hundred-and-eighty degrees to speed back down the road. He knew the ins and outs of his car. A Porsche GT3RS. One of his dreams and built for speed and agility. Pure white, which gave him and the car the name, "Ghost Porsche". One he was quite proud of. It had a carbon fiber wing. There was a small smile on the left side wheel well. The smile was his signature. Two I's and a smile.