second to the last chappy for "I Fell In Love With Santa Claus's Son?! WTF!" is out! please read or add an extra vote or comment if you liked it!
From: the one who sent it...=))
hi! received your message and i got enough motivation to write the next chap, so here it is. Please read, vote, fan, or comment if you like!
i would deeply appreciate it!
☺hansel_ga117 ☺
hey dude! thanks for voting and commenting for the last chap for "I Fell In Love With Santa Claus's Son?! WTF!" so I uploaded a new one! I hope you read it soon! And vote, comment, or fan if you like!
hi! thanks for voting for the second chap of my story and for commenting also.
so I uploaded the third chapter for "I Fell In Love With Santa Claus’s Son!? WTF!" so please, read, vote, fan, or comment if you like!
I would deeply appreciate it. :))