
Howdy y'all! Sorry I haven't been writing the hermitcraft fanfictions. I haven't been inspired lately. I recently found out that I'm the host of an OSDD-1b system, so that's been something we've been focussing on. Just focussing on mental health.
          	But now, we're working on a new project on our other wattpad account. It's smut, sorry children. But if you're an old person, go ahead and check it out if you'd like! Here it is:
          	Anyway, that's the update! Thanks for your understanding and patience. We love you all! <3


Howdy y'all! Sorry I haven't been writing the hermitcraft fanfictions. I haven't been inspired lately. I recently found out that I'm the host of an OSDD-1b system, so that's been something we've been focussing on. Just focussing on mental health.
          But now, we're working on a new project on our other wattpad account. It's smut, sorry children. But if you're an old person, go ahead and check it out if you'd like! Here it is:
          Anyway, that's the update! Thanks for your understanding and patience. We love you all! <3


So the Hermittpad discord found out about my Hermittpad Kingdom discord and declared war. 
          If you would like to join my kingdom in this fight, here's the link!
          (This is all in good fun; no hard feelings! :D)


@Acewolf31 Being a mole is honestly just fun :p


@_Alesia_02 You're absolutely welcome to be!


Howdy y'all! 
          I'm so so so sorry for the lack of chapters recently!! I feel so bad, honestly. I keep trying to write every day, but the words just don't come. 
          I'm not gonna rush myself too  much though, because I want to publish something that I'm proud of, not just a half-job. You guys deserve the best quality writing. <3 
          Thanks for your patience- I really appreciate y'all!


@Acewolf31 yeah, it's okay, you come first <3


@Acewolf31 Don't worry about it, take however long you need! <3


Howdy y'all! I hope you gorgeous faces are all doing wonderfully. 
          I just wanted to let y'all know that I created a discord server that you guys can join if you feel like vibin' with me! So if you want to talk about hermitcraft, or really anything, feel free to join! 
          Here's the link- I hope to see you there!
          I love your faces! <3