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So I do theater and stuff right? So tonight is the opening night for cast 2, which means that I'm playing Tiger Lilly for Peter Pan Jr. So I'm going to my friend's house after school and we're gonna go to the show together cause we're both in it, so I gotta have all my stuff and bring them to school with me so I have it for theater. So I have these shoes I was planning on wearing, and they were flats. The thing is, I'm a tennis shoe girl. I CANNOT deal with flats. But my dumbass decided "HEy, HoW BoUT' I WeAR ThESe fLATs tO SchOOL, THaT SoUnDS LiKE a GREat IdEA!" So I put on these flats, WiTHOUT socks(I can't deal with not having socks but i was just like "Well I gotta have no socks for theater so might as well get used to it") and go to school. Keep in mind, I walk to school. So I'm walking in tgese godforsaken death traps all day. And now I have a total of around 5 blisters on each foot. And now I gotta wear em' for another hour AND dance in them. But I got a smoothie so that's a plus.