
If yall have any story suggestions let me know ! I'm writing the story What My Life Is Like I will post it when I'm  done and add more to it daily !


I've started writing a new book called what my life is like. I will try and update on it everyday . It's a story about what has happened that makes me like I am and what's going on at my house.  Technacaly like my daily journal . I'm hoping yall like it . It will be my first book published


I'm literally in school rn. Just got done taking the staar math test here . Pretending like I'm reading! I love  my fellow wolf pack . Make sure to try and ask your friends to subscribe to me . I'm still working on my book . So sorry it's taking a while to finish it ! I'm hoping that it's a good back . I've been working forever on it ! Also hi alina 


Hey everyone who's following I'm close to being fone with my first story ☺. You'll love it . I have to ask yall which story you want me to work on next .
           A girl that's a gangster and  falls In love with a gangster or 
          a girl that runs away and becomes friends with a wolf?
          What do yall think?