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// CB or tag me in anything I missed please!
"I must say, the story of the creation of your people is one of the most tragic I've come across." Darielle said, a look of true sympathy across her face. "Enslaved for thousands of years... It's quite different from my people, accidental but beloved children of our gods."
@elvensongbird The dragonborn shrugged. He was not sure how deep the extents of his 'brother's' mind really was. He just knows it is pretty shallow. He sighed lightly. "He is a trouble maker... but he has not earned death by my blade. So I try to make his crimes right, I suppose."
"Ah, I see. That actually explains it a bit more. Family is very important and if he doesn't have a tribe, seeing someone he could consider a relative must mean a lot to him." Darielle paused, thinking to herself. "Or I'm putting far too much thought in the mental workings of a Kobold." While the sentence may have seemed harsh, as she worshipped Corellon Larethain, she despised cowards.
@elvensongbird He sighed lightly. "It is... a long story. Esentially, his greed got him in danger, and I'm the one who pulled him out of it." He pointed out the golden mark that ringed his eyes. "The little one saw this, and since he had a similar mark of his own, he came to the conclusion we were brothers." He smiled with his pointy fangs, partly out of pity and partly out of amusment from the relationship. "So I suppose he did imprint on me in a way."
// Also have some more random Aarden lore He has a golden mark around his one eye which would lead some to believe he has metallic dragon in him, but he himself doesn't know when or how it formed (he rarely paid attention to his own reflection). The little Kobold, Ash, believes sharing a slightly similar marking and black scales makes them brothers. Though Aarden sees their relationship half as one out of pity for a petty thief and half as a test from his diety to prove his resolve and integrity. Though, he might form a brotherly bond yet. He could probably have been considered an up and coming barbarian if he hadn't found this new path. (Still fleshing out how exactly he came across it, but probabaly something to do with a near death experience or suffering justice himself) His intrusive thoughts are plenty, and this might make him have a crude sense of humor at times. Some would call it gallow humor. Due to coming across a few bards on his travel, he realized music has an almost alluring effect on him. He is fascinated by song and sometimes wishes he could learn an instrument himself. Although he believes he doesn't have time for such things as he needs to complete his pilgrimage first.
// CB + optional specify Or tag me in things I've missed, please!
"my, what a fowl temper. surely, such a greyed man didn't deserve the wrathful spite?" the gentleman, almost out of place in such a farm driven landscape, sauntered up to the scaled creature after witnessing a rathe humorous outburst. like he could see the strings snapping before he'd tey to cool his blood once more after the damage had been dealt. "if it is a misunderstanding, I could possibly help?"
@hellstheatre So far, the stranger only spoke truth. The questions resonated in the dragonborn's mind. He let out a snarl before wiping the acid from his maw on a claw and flicking it onto the road. The corrosive material immediately bitting into any filth or rock it touched. He took a deep breath and lowered his head towards the elderly man. "Careful what you sell to strangers... it might get you killed someday." He then turned his focus on the mysterious stranger that seemed so interested in his querrels. He then bowed, mistaking the other for a noble. "Forgive my temper, lord. I did not come here to start trouble." Though his face still spoke nothing but rage, he held himself in a mental grapple. "Please, if there is anything that can be done... I would like nothing more than to be better. For the people and for my god." Sincerity was still deep in his heart, underneath his cold scales.
"and what then? you'd kill an old man and renounce the god you so proudly wear on your armour? over some products not up to your standards?" not that he wanted to help the elderly man. no, the thought did come that it would be an entertaining spiral to see him be killed and this holy creature chased down for it. the irony would have been so sweet. but, as all things, he saw opportunity. a soul that needs saving by some means. gratitude unending. "do you really think so little of your god? I can help quell that temper for you. give the mind a peace never felt before. if you can prove your incentive by standing down." he could easily be mistaken for a lord. maybe there to ensure the people on his lands lived to bring in the food and gold. why else would someone of his speech and dress be out there? none the less offering help so casually to such a ferocious creature.
@hellstheatre Though dressed in the armour of a holy warrior, the dragonborn's behavior was far from what his attire would suggest. The angered onyx creature stared at the stranger. Acidic green spittle taking form on the creases of his maw. "Stay out of this if you know what's good for you." Too blinded by his rage to realize he was conversing with something infernal, he snapped at the other. Though he supposed those words were true. He was slipping back into his primal self and had to stop before something bad happened again. If only his time spent meditating would help him now, yet his emotions boiled over his reason. "There is no misunderstanding. I just hate being taken for a fool." He spoke without a second to think, eyes like daggers pointed at old man.
"Oh me? I worship Astars, god of forgiveness..." The tiefling clenched, like she expected to be mocked for worshipping a Lawful Good deity.
"Astars takes in those no one else will, much like our allies in the Church of Ilmater. That's why even someone like me is a chosen cleric."
@unholypriestess- Aarden looked up, his eyes following the star. "I see. My deity used to travel a lot too, but he would usually take the form of a traveler. Something unasuming."
Penance smiled. "Do you see that star up in the sky, the one that looks like it's moving? That's Astars, he travels a lot."
"Oh!" The Elven woman jumped slightly, her hands desperately trying to keep hold of the ocarina in her hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming up behind me. I must have been playing too loudly."
@elvensongbird He smiled right back, though without realizing, the muscles in his face did begin to hurt. This had been the most he had smiled in a long while, awkwardly or not. "You flatter me, my Lady, but I think my story would be a boring read."
"Nonsense, every Bard worth their salt knows everyone has a story. I'd be honored to write about it." She said with a smile.
If a dragonborn could blush, his scales would have been a deep red, but he attempted to hide his flusteredness behind pride. "Oh, me? I don't think I would be that interesting." He let out a nervous chuckle. "I am always happy to have met someone that is talented in the ways of music though."
// I will attempt to make a return from my sudden hiatus. So CB or drop things plsss
//Give me cbs or leave things please! I wanna try and fire up my muse
; Some backstory
— Due to his diety being one of justice, on rare occasions he could even be called to a court to settle a sensitive issue. Justice is blind after all, and a new pair of eyes could help the judge make the decision that is necessary and just.
— The symbol of his faith is usually depicted as a image of the Platinum dragon's head in profile. Usually white on a blue background. Aarden represents this through an amulet he wears made of a whitened steal and the emblem engraved in his armour.
— the dragonborn follows the diety Bahamut, a platinum dragon known as a symbol of Justice and good. He is known as the King of Good Dragons, which Aarden took as a chance to smother his abrasive flame. A chance to become a more even tempered individual.
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