Hi everyone!! Surprise! I'm still alive somehow. So I've been thinking about publishing 'him' again with a couple of tweaks. The original one strayed really far from the plot many many times and over all it was just very long.
Basically I want to edit it by a lot and like shorten down the number of chapters by merging two or three chapters together. Alot of the extra scenes will get removed because of this. I won't add any major new plot or anything I suppose.
Obviously I may not go through with this plan and if I did it would take a long time. its just a thought but, Would you guys like that? Would you read it if I posted that? And also what are somethings that you didn't like? I want to make this version hopefully better!
Although I'm not in the dsmp fandom anymore, and not aware of whatever new things that happened, I would still like to make this story better with your help :)