
Hey everyone! I am looking for a Co-Writer or Co-author whatever you want to call it. I have so many fanfic ideas and books I need to update. I am looking for someone who will help with grammar, ideas, make sure the chapters flow, and more.  Now what this job is it is not paid for those who are wondering because I know some people pay their co-authors and co-writers for this but I will not this is for something I do for fun I do not make an income off of it so I will not pay you for doing it. This whole thing is for fun to make other people happy to have them read stories that they will enjoy I do not make one type of story I actually have at least three stories that I upload regularly on Wattpad and will soon be on archive of our own. On Amino I normally try to post at least one to two weird chaotic stories I'm up it is truly not a lot but I need help coming up with ideas and help proofing the stories I post because I do not have good grammer. so this will entail a lot and we will have to keep in contact a lot so if you are not someone who is a round or doesn't reply for a week I cannot do that because of how my stories are and because of how much I need to keep in contact.
          	That all said below are a list of requirements that I need if you want to become a co-author/ co-writer please keep in mind I have two positions available and please feel free to comment below the post or DM me if you have questions. 
          	List of requirements
          	• Good grammer
          	• Can respond at least 3 times a week 
          	•  Long term position 
          	• Owns Wattpad or Archive of your own
          	•  Over 13 
          	• Doesn't mind excessive cursing
          	• Can follow a schedule (We will modify it based on schedules)
          	What would be preferred but not needed. 
          	• Experience in writing
          	• Knowing more than one language
          	• Is ok with writing murder
          	• Share messenger or email
          	• Can write a sex scene
          	How to apply 
          	• Dm me or comment below and I will give you the resume form to fill out.


          	  And I can kind of wrote sex scenes but it's kinda Vaughn of m still reading and learning how to write it


@ColdHeartCOSPLAY I can do all of those except two 
          	  I can speak English, Punjabi (kinda like Hindi) and a little bit of Japanese


@LittleDevils_666 I dont mind at all let me dm you the resume 


Hey everyone! I am looking for a Co-Writer or Co-author whatever you want to call it. I have so many fanfic ideas and books I need to update. I am looking for someone who will help with grammar, ideas, make sure the chapters flow, and more.  Now what this job is it is not paid for those who are wondering because I know some people pay their co-authors and co-writers for this but I will not this is for something I do for fun I do not make an income off of it so I will not pay you for doing it. This whole thing is for fun to make other people happy to have them read stories that they will enjoy I do not make one type of story I actually have at least three stories that I upload regularly on Wattpad and will soon be on archive of our own. On Amino I normally try to post at least one to two weird chaotic stories I'm up it is truly not a lot but I need help coming up with ideas and help proofing the stories I post because I do not have good grammer. so this will entail a lot and we will have to keep in contact a lot so if you are not someone who is a round or doesn't reply for a week I cannot do that because of how my stories are and because of how much I need to keep in contact.
          That all said below are a list of requirements that I need if you want to become a co-author/ co-writer please keep in mind I have two positions available and please feel free to comment below the post or DM me if you have questions. 
          List of requirements
          • Good grammer
          • Can respond at least 3 times a week 
          •  Long term position 
          • Owns Wattpad or Archive of your own
          •  Over 13 
          • Doesn't mind excessive cursing
          • Can follow a schedule (We will modify it based on schedules)
          What would be preferred but not needed. 
          • Experience in writing
          • Knowing more than one language
          • Is ok with writing murder
          • Share messenger or email
          • Can write a sex scene
          How to apply 
          • Dm me or comment below and I will give you the resume form to fill out.


            And I can kind of wrote sex scenes but it's kinda Vaughn of m still reading and learning how to write it


@ColdHeartCOSPLAY I can do all of those except two 
            I can speak English, Punjabi (kinda like Hindi) and a little bit of Japanese


@LittleDevils_666 I dont mind at all let me dm you the resume 


          the reason i just got on is because i forgot my acct, my password, and my email. in fact my email was disabled so i couldn't get on. i finally guessed correctly and was able to get on here. ya ya ik it sounds like an excuse but yall believe what you want. you have a problem contact me. ill try to get the stories updated now thx bye


@ColdHeartCOSPLAY σн gℓα∂ уσυ'яє вα¢к!!