
If you knew me at all when I was Izuku or any other character or in any year not 2020 then no you didn't


{ @Acorn_Evan }
          	  Too bad I did :P


Thank you so much for the follow, I love your profile so much! DEH is my favourite musical :))
          Have a great day! <3


@Acorn_Evan of course, I actually really enjoyed it!! :D
            I hope you have the best day/night and I’m here if you ever wanna talk (just drop me a message!) <3


@elegant_jedi [You're welcome! I don't even know how you found my one story, lol. It's cringe, but thanks for reading and stuff!]


[Please watch this guys it’s important and it brings awareness please it’s important to me ]


            this changed my life this raises so much awareness thank you for sharing this with us more people need to hear about this


[Thank you guys]


[Don’t  have a good day,
          Have a great day! :)]


Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a great day-


this message may be offensive
[This guy who sits like, diagonally behind me aggressively sniffed me and said, “You smell different when you’re awake” and I turned and said “What the fuck?” Because what the fuck. He then asked if I liked his aggressive sniff and I proceeded to say I feel violated. Of course it was all fun and jokes, as I am literally surrounded by idiots, all guys. Probably why my teacher offered to move my seat but I was like “it’s fine, I feel safe in a way, I’m away from the actual weird kids and stuff and it isn’t awkward, it’s like living with a bunch of brothers”]


[There’s a reason I love Dear Evan Hansen and Evans character so much. We’re all humans, we all have our problems, and that’s displayed perfectly in the musical, all our flaws and imperfections, a human being. We make mistakes and learn, that’s the beauty of it. I know that a lot of these characters aren’t really role mode material, but Evan is like, I relate to him so much. I might not have social anxiety, or like diagnosed and have to take medicine like him, but it’s just, on a whole other level. I, not really proud of it, am quite a liar. I have tried to work my way out of things by making up stories. I’ve been in situations like Evans, maybe not as severe but similar. It’s more of a reassurance to know I’m not the only awful person on earth I guess. I’ve had a “friend” like Jared before, didn’t end up well. I’m the loner who sits alone at lunch with their dry ass peanut butter sandwich. I work alone in group projects. I don’t go out on the weekends with friends, but I crave that friendship. Cause I don’t have it. I have many regrets but this show made me realize so do others, we AREN’T alone. There are so many other people who sit alone and work alone, who have major anxiety when talking to new people and going to new places and experiences, those who just want to be understood, and accepted. That’s kind of the whole point of You Will Be Found. That’s why it’s so popular and inspirational. This show came to me in my darkest times and I just want to thank everyone who helped me through those times. I also want to say you aren’t alone,  you could be going through one of the most difficult times but I want you to know that no matter what, hold on to the light and don’t let go. It may seem like it won’t pass or end but it will. Good things are coming to you in the future you just have to survive long enough to see it and experience it. Trust me, it’s worth it.]


Dear Evan Hansen,
          Today is going to be a good day, and here’s why. Because today at least you’re you, and that’s enough.




@Acorn_Evan It's also Ben Platt's birthday THE STARS HAVE ALIGNED (≧▽≦)