
You know authors describe the feeling of when the protagonist woman sees the tall Alpha male in all his glory!! Well ... I just felt it and man it’s powerful ... swallowing hard .. heartbeats races and saying to myself ... don’t look at him you know he has the women falling at his feet!! That’s the stubbornness in me!!! It can happen ladies ... when you least expect it!!! Ugh  the irony!!!


You know authors describe the feeling of when the protagonist woman sees the tall Alpha male in all his glory!! Well ... I just felt it and man it’s powerful ... swallowing hard .. heartbeats races and saying to myself ... don’t look at him you know he has the women falling at his feet!! That’s the stubbornness in me!!! It can happen ladies ... when you least expect it!!! Ugh  the irony!!!


Hey Acoustik~Thanx for voting on "The Tattooed Princess." And because you are new to my work, and such a sweetie, I'm sending you a short story of mine to save for those times you're home alone . . . and feeling. . . well you know. . . a little naughty :)
          Enjoy my reads.


Thank you very much and for sharing your work with us! I’m intrigued of where this book and the 2nd one will lead me.


The worst feeling is you completely abandon reading a book when you’re almost half way done.
          I normally try to stick it out but when the storyline and characters become stagnant and no development- I have to move on.
          I rather abandon it than give unnecessary criticism!
          Now to the next adventure!


Happy Friday! I might be the only who like this. Why?!? I get to see what you put on your broad (I’m sure there is a way to deactivate the notification) when I don’t have the time to go through my emails or go to your actual page! And for those that got unfollowed due to this minor inconvenience - it’s their lost from a wonderful person/author!!!


PSA: Just finished reading an amazing book!! Looking forward to the next the adventure!! 
          Thanks to all the authors that I’m following and following me for your amazing talent and allowing me to read your aspirations!! 
          PS. To those that English is not your native tongue ! Helpful tip! When you feel pain - it’s IN your chest not ON your chest. It’s IN your heart not ON your heart! 
          I applaud to those that take the time to better their English because English is a hard language to learn! And I’m over here learning Hangul!! The irony!!
          My inbox is always open to those that need help and inspiration whenever you have writers block! 
           I’m a proud Unni/Noona who has experience in life however if you saw a photo of me you wouldn’t believe my age! Just because you are younger than me ..  doesn’t mean I can not relate! 
          Much  to all!