
Hi guys how's Life ?


Ok this is what I just noticed this is me on a school night
          Mom: How was day sis
          Me: It was good I-
          Sister: I had a test to day
          Mom: did you do well
          sister: yeah I did
          Me: I did a mile today 
          Mom: uhu cool sunshine and you need to get the recycline done 
          Me: * My legs are weak and it hurts to stand* ok mom
          Mom: You need to rest your brain sweet pea
          me: thanks mom
          Mom: not you your sister
          Me: * in my head crussing every word in my head*
          This is my life


I'm going to start this with Happy New Year and hope that your year will be special. Like getting that boyfriend you always wanted, a new season of your favorite series came out, or you become a older brother, sister,  or even cousin. No matter want happens to you remember that you family is there to heal you. What did i do you ask? I spent time with my mom, i'm sorry if i feel like those girls that always compleint but i needed to do this. Anyway have a Happy New Year!!


@Actionfan13 I am very excited to read the story u approved(hint hint)


Today I was with my sister, I had to babysit her. While, my step dad and mom with friends went to a Astro game. I asked if I could go to my friends house, no they replied. When they came back from the game ( if your a baseball fan we won!!), they told me why I couldn’t go, my friends where with ther gramma, and as a family girl I understood. But, their grandma dropped them off at my other friends house, and 2 other friends were there, and they probably forgot about me, they didn’t ask if I could come over, they didn’t talk to me, and as I standed there thinking about what they were doing I thought I was forgotten and wondering if I could get away. So, I argued with me mom and said that she should know, like this other time but that’s not Important, so I wanted to write to you guys I love that you like my books, I’m soo sorry if I have not written a lot. But when I try to keep a strong face I feel like it’s to hide what I’m really feeling, thank you guy for reading, see you next time


And in the end of the day I’m back to normal, with a little bit of depression.